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Biggest Banking PPI Achievement

When you hear the word PPI what is the first thing that pops into your head?

Nuisance calls? Spam texts? Spam emails? Cheesy radio and TV adverts?

If you thought any of the above I believe you’re probably in the majority, and I strongly agree that such tactics should not be allowed within the industry, or controlled better at the very least.

However, the fact that most people consider the most annoying part of the PPI scandal to be the companies that attempt to obtain compensation speaks volumes.

The media portrayal

The vast majority of us form opinions based on what we see and hear in the media, and it is clear the banking industry holds huge influence over the media.

How else can the companies who fight to get back the BILLIONS in compensation that MILLIONS of customers have had taken illegally from their pockets be the bad guys?

Although it is a disgrace you’ve really got to hand it to the banks, they have hoodwinked the media into believing they are the victims in the biggest financial scandal to hit these shores.

How many chances?

Lets put things into perspective shall we for a moment.

Banks sold £50 BILLION worth of PPI policies from 2001 onwards alone, how many they sold before that is open to debate.

Banks mis-sold the often useless product to MILLIONS of customers purely because of the extortionate profits on offer.

Banks decided to take the matter to court in an attempt to avoid having to compensate customers who may have been caught up in the scandal.

Banks chose not to contact customers who may have been affected by the mis-selling when they lost the court case in 2011.

Banks mis-handled and provided unfair decisions to millions of valid complaints, with some being issued fines for their failures.

Banks are offered yet another opportunity by the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) to change their decision on a rejected complaint before the case is taken on by the FOS.

Banks have bullied the regulator into bringing in a potentially unlawful deadline, which could again see millions of customers miss out on what could rightfully be theirs.

Claims Management Companies fight the banks on behalf of customers, many of which are not aware the bank have even sold them PPI or have lost trust in the bank to handle their claim fairly.

Whilst the Claims Companies who use nuisance calls, SMS’ and emails need stopping in our opinion, it is clear who the bad guys are in this scandal.

Have you had PPI?

PPI was sold on all forms of credit, such as mortgages, loans, car finance, hire purchase agreements, credit cards and store cards.

Not sure whether you’ve been sold PPI?

Our fast and comprehensive checking systems that have been set up with almost all banks allows us to find out whether you’ve been one of the millions who have had PPI.

Not sure whether you qualify? Check here to see whether you may.

Our average successful customer award is £3,332**!

Want to know how much you may be owed? Why not try our PPI calculator.

Making a PPI Claim

Option #1: Fill in the ‘Start Your Claim’ form on this page. We’ll send you out a form in the post for you to complete. Once we’ve received the form back in the freepost envelope we provide, we’ll make a start on your PPI claim.

Option #2: Click the ‘Download Claim Pack’ button. Simply print out the form, complete it and send it back to us. Our address and email address can be found here.

Our experts are on hand to answer any questions you have via telephone, email or our live chat facility.

Biggest banking PPI achievement

Biggest banking PPI achievement

About the author

Daniel Lee

Company Director

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