About us
Have you paid for your bank account? Make a claim.

FOSQ Internal


    Case Reference:

    Customer Reference:

    in a meetingvia telephonevia postvia internetdon't know

    yesnodon't know

    full time employedpart time employedself employedcontractingretiredunemployeda student

    less than 3 months3 months or more, but less than 6 months6 months or more, but less than 12 months12 months or moreStatutory OnlyNot Entitled / Not Employedother (please tell us more below)

    Refinancing or consolidating other debtsBuying a carPaying for home improvementsPaying for a weddingPaying for a holidayNon-essential spending (buying for leisure)Essential everyday spending (for example, rent, household bills, food shopping)Business loanother (please tell us more below)

    from savings or insurance; worth less than 3 months of your payfrom savings or insurance; worth 3 months or more, but less than 6 months of your payfrom savings or insurance; worth 6 months or more, but less than 12 months of your payfrom savings or insurance; worth 12 months or more of your paynoneby some other means (please tell us more below)

    yesnodon't know

    yes (please tell us more below)nodon't know

    yesnodon't know

    yesnodon't know

    yesnodon't know

    yesnodon't know

    yesnodon't know

    yesnodon't know

    yesnodon't know

    yesnodon't know

    yesnodon't know

    yesnodon't know

    yesnodon't know

